by Waskita Chandra Studio
Features Simulation Jellyfish 3d in this application are:1. Comes with Music Relaxation, please read...
Features Simulation Jellyfish 3d in this application are:1. Comes with Music Relaxation, please read the description below BRAIN WAVE,2. Jellyfish 3 dimensions, we can at Rotate and Zoom from any direction you like,3. Color can be changed at will you,BRAIN WAVE:GAMMA (16 Hz - 100 Hz)Gamma waves tend to be the lowest in the wave amplitude and the fastest. Dalah gamma waves brainwaves (brainwave) that occurs when a person experiencing mental activity is very high, for example, was in the arena game, the race for the championship, appeared in public, very panic, fear. Gamma condition is a condition in full consciousness. Based on the investigation of Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson (Center for Acoustic Research) on top of gamma waves actually there's more of a wave Hypergamma (exactly 100 Hz) and Lambda waves (precisely 200 Hz), which is geolombang-waves associated with the supernatural or extraordinary abilities.
BETA (above 12 hz or 12 hz s / d 19 hz)A brain waves (Brainwave) that occurs when a person experiencing mental activity wakefulness. You are in this condition when you perform your daily activities and interact with others around you. The frequency of beta is a state of mind you have now, when you sit at your computer reading this article. Beta waves are divided into three groups, namely high beta (over 19 Hz) which is a transition to the vibrations gamma and beta vibration (15 Hz -18 Hz) which is also a transition to gamma vibration, and further lowbeta (12 Hz ~ 15 Hz ). Beta waves in the brain need when you are thinking, rational, problem solving, and a state of mind where you have spent most of your life.
ALPHA (8 hz - 12 hz)Is the brain waves (Brainwave) that occurs when a person is experiencing relaksaksi or begin to break with signs of eye began to close or getting sleepy. You produce Alpha waves each will sleep, precisely the transition between conscious and unconscious. Alpha phenomenon widely used by experts hypnosis to start giving suggestions to the patient. People who start meditation (meditation mild) also produces alpha waves. Alpha frequency of 8 -12 Hz, a frequency controller, connecting conscious and unconscious mind. You can remember your dreams, because you have the alpha waves. Blurred or clear a dream you can remember, depending on the quality and quantity of Alpha waves when you dream. Alpha is the mind that is most suitable for subconscious programming.
THETA (4 hz - 8 hz)Is the brain waves (Brainwave) that occurs when a person experiencing light sleep, or very sleepy. The signs of breath starts to slow down and in. In addition to people who are on the verge of sleep, some people also produce brain waves (Brainwave) is currently trance, hypnosis, meditation, prayer, religious rituals with khusyu. People who are capable of flowing energy chi, prana or energy within, also produces brain waves (Brainwave) theta when they exercise or channeling energy to others.
DELTA (0.5 Hz - 4 Hz)
Is the brain waves (Brainwave) which has a large amplitude and low frequency, ie below 4 Hz. Your brain waves are generated when you are asleep, without a dream. Delta phase is the resting phase for the body and mind. Your body's process of self-healing, repair damaged tissue, and actively producing new cells when you are asleep. Delta waves are waves of the lowest in your brain, the brain will never reach the frequency of 0 Hz, as if your brain in this case you will die!